Sence of Place. Longing and belonging! – webinar 17.09.2021

Sence of Place, Longing and belonging!

Kansainvälinen Echoes -Leader-hanke järjestää Paikan Tuntu ja Ekomuseo -aiheisen avoimen webinaarin  17.9.20201 kello 11-15.00.

Webinaari on Teams-ympäristössä, rekisteröitymistä ei tarvita.

Seminaarissa kuullaan yleisesti ekomuseoajattelusta ja siitä, mitä se tarkoittaa ruraaleissa  kulttuurimaisemissa sekä yhteisöissä.

Sence of place. Longing and belonging, pääpuhujana on Päivi Raivio. Raivio on taiteilija ja muotoilija, joka  työskentelee julkisten tilojen/ympäristöjen suunnittelun sekä kaupunki- ja paikkamuotoilun (placemaking) saralla. 

Raivion aiheena on kestävä kulttuurimaisema, kokemuksellisen paikkatietoisuuden näkökulmasta.

Mukana seminaarissa on Ruotsin Echoes -hankekumppanin, Leader sjö, skog ach fjäll, retriittimäisen taiteilija- ja perinnekäsityö residenssiohjelman, Lär av Konstnär tulosten esittelyä sekä Satakunnan  ammattikorkeakoulun kansainvälisen matkailun Tourism experience design opintokokonaisuuden  mahdollisuuksia aineettoman ja aineellisen kulttuuriperinnön matkailullistamiseen.

Seminaari on englanninkielinen.

Tervetuloa kuulolle! Klikkaa itsesi tästä mukaan webinaariin!

sence of place webinar poster

Sence of Place – webinar

Echoes -transnational Leader project is announcing a webinar, Sence of Place, hosted by Echoes partners from Finland and Sweden. The seminar is open to all public via teams- link, no  registration needed. Just be there and be yourself!

Sence of place – seminar examines, among the main theme of Ecomuseum philosophy, themes of placemaking and sustainable landscape, especially manifesting in rural cultural heritage  destinations.

Keynote speaker, Päivi Raivio addresses sustainable landscapes and placemaking themes. Emma  Roinila from Satakunta University of applied sciences presents themes from Tourism experience  design and Saija Mustaniemi from Ravakka, the concept of Ecomuseum and its outcomes in  Finland. From Sweden, an example and results of an experimental artist and tourism co operation residency program LÄRKO is to be revealed! Come along!

We start online on 17th September 2021 starting at 11 Helsinki time. Click here to participate!

ECHOES a transnational Leader –project  

What is it? 

Often described as a museum without walls, the Ecomuseum concept focuses on local people celebrating  their sense of place whilst encouraging participation in enhancing the local quality of life through economic  regeneration. It is a dynamic way in which communities preserve, interpret, and manage their heritage  whilst allowing for innovation and change for a better future.

Sustainable development is a central tenet of the Ecomuseums movement and it implies that the aim is to  increase the value of a place instead of diminishing it. Ecomuseums are now found throughout the world  from Japan to Canada to Brazil, with a well-developed network across Europe.

Local communities are at the heart of the Ecomuseum philosophy and the wide range of case studies that  are now in existence suggest that scale and focus can vary quite significantly. Ecomuseums are more  properly defined by what they do rather than by what they are.

To most people who admire the concept, it is likely to be the sense and uniqueness of ‘place’ and the  nature of empowerment of local communities that they see as the drivers of excellence and sustainability.  It is a holistic approach to place-based development, with building local networks and partnerships at its  heart.

The daily struggle of rural areas includes an aging population, the decline in service provision, young people  moving away. There is a strong need to seek out ideas and models that work in the rural context to keep  the rural areas alive. Ecomuseum thinking is still relatively new.

Therefore the Echoes- project is looking towards partners in Europe to utilize lessons from the  internationally recognized Eco-museum /community heritage /tourism hub approach to build on the  community regeneration experience of the partners.

Echoes- project offers a great opportunity for sharing best practices and knowledge transfer, for example in  learning how to bridge the gap between the generations; connecting young and old through traditions and  local stories and contributing towards a greater appreciation of the area they live in, skills development and  creative innovative ideas to use traditions for community enterprise.

More info and organizers:

Leader Ravakka, Leader Aktiivinen Pohjois-Satakunta, Leader Sjö, skog och Fjäll
Saija Mustaniemi